Which series are you looking forward to most from the spring season 2024?

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Which series are you looking forward to most from the spring season 2024?

Chirping birds, the delicate scent of flowers … and lots of new anime! The spring anime are already in the starting blocks, and the first series are gradually starting. Many of you still watch quite a few series at the beginning of the season to get a first impression of whether it’s worth continuing to watch, but which series are you looking forward to the most and are already quite sure that you will finish watching them?

Commentaires (12)

Avatar: Slaughtertrip#2
»Sand Land« natürlich. Das wird auch der einzige neue Anime sein, den ich mir ansehen werde. Meine restliche Anguck-Zeit werd ich damit verbringen, »Dr. Slump« nachzuholen.
Avatar: Illusionmaker#1
Bei Neuem lasse ich mich überraschen, da ist nichts dabei, dass mich auf Anhieb anspricht.
Bei den Fortsetzungen sind es ganz klar KonoSuba, Hero Academia und die Neuinterpretation von Spice and Wolf :)
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