Manga: Inu x Boku SS finishing in 2014

Des nouvelles concernant les bandes dessinées dans le style manga.

Manga: Inu x Boku SS finishing in 2014

posté sur par Sephi-
Mangaka Cocoa Fujiwara announced via Twitter, that she'll finish her manga Youku x Boku SS this year.

The manga currently consists of 10 volumes and the storyline has advanced to the final arc. Chapters 1 through 10 were – in the past – adapted as a TV series, spanning over 12 episodes.

Cocoa Fujiwara first published her manga in 2009, in Square Enix' Gangan Joker Magazine; the 10th volume has been released in October 2013 in Japan.

Youku x Boku SS is published by Yen Press with currently 2 released volumes and more to come this year.

BlurbThe elite and beautiful Ririchiyo Shirakiin has a bad habit — she can’t help but lash out at people with her vicious tongue, all while hiding behind a mask of haughty cool. This attitude has a lot to do with people minding her business because of the Shirakiin family name, but it troubles Ririchiyo to no end. In search of independence and solitude, she moves to the Maison de Ayakashi, an apartment building full of wealthy tenants and with its own Secret Service. Ririchiyo is eager to be alone, but upon her arrival, she is greeted by Soushi, an SS agent arranged for her by her parents. Ririchiyo tries to turn Soushi away, but Soushi’s dogged devotion to his new mistress will not be deterred. The threats against the residents of the Maison de Ayakashi are not to be taken lightly, after all. And despite his puppy-like demeanor, Soushi is not to be trifled with either…

Source: ANN
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