Avatar: cruptorsoncruptorson

À propos de moi




Ulquiorra :

"I was not capable of stopping it even while using both hands. That surprised me a little. Was that your full power? Well, it seems to be. Disappointing."

Coyote Starrk:

"I want to become weak and if that's not possible, then I at least want to make friends that are as strong as me."

Killua Zoldyck:

“If I say it’s okay, it means I can bear the pain, however that does not mean it doesn’t hurt”

"People only find me interesting because they can't ever tell whether I'm serious or not."


"I shall grieve, and I shall weep. But I shall never regret."

"Glory lies beyond the horizon. Challenge it because it is unreachable. Speak of conquest and demonstrate it."

"Whatever you do, enjoy it to the fullest. Thats is the secret of life."

"Impossible, right? Compared to the enemy we're facing, you and I are the same, no more than dots! What's the point in comparing our heights? That is what makes this exciting! The smallest, the weakest - it doesn't matter! I should still wish to go and take over the world, with nothing more than my tiny dot of a body! Within my chest, beats the heart of the King of Conquerors!"

"The inferiority you feel is actually the quality of a king. You may grumble a lot, but you know how small you are. And yet you still struggle to reach heights greater than you can imagine."

Gon Freecss:

"Even if that....means my end......I....will give everthing."

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Récemment évalué: Anime

  • Anime45
  • Valeur moyenne3,7 de 5
  • Rewatched16
  • 💬 Critiques0

Récemment évalué: Manga

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Récemment évalué: Films

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Favoris: Caractères

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