Death Note (2003)



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  • Light YAGAMI
    Light YAGAMI

    en I’ll take a potato chip AND EAT IT!

    ja Potechi wo tori … taberu! (ポテチを取り … 食べる!)

    Anime: Death Note [Épisode 8]
  • Light YAGAMI
    Light YAGAMI

    en This world is rotting…

  • Light YAGAMI
    Light YAGAMI

    en I knew I was the only one capable of doing it. I knew that killing people was a crime. But that was the only way to correct this world, and one day, people will accept that as being righteous. I had to take the role of Kira and do it. This was a mission that was entrusted to me. I was chosen to make amends for this rotten world, and to create a truly safe and ideal world.

    Manga: Death Note [Chapitre 105] [Volume 12]
  • Light YAGAMI
    Light YAGAMI

    en This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me? Even if it means sacrificing my own mind and soul, it’s worth it. Because the world … can’t go on like this.

    ja Yo no naka kusatteiru. Kusatteru yatsu wa shinda hou ga ii. Dare ka ga dare ka ga yaranakute wa ikenain da. Mizukara no seishin ya inochi wo gisei ni shite demo, kono mama ja ikenain da. (世の中腐っている。腐ってる奴は死んだ方がいい。誰かが … 誰かがやらなくてはいけないんだ。自らの精神や命を犠牲にしてでも、このままじゃいけないんだ。)

    Anime: Death Note [Épisode 1]
  • Light YAGAMI
    Light YAGAMI

    en I am Justice! I protect the innocent and those who fear evil. Im the one that will become the god of a new world that everyone desires!!

  • Light YAGAMI
    Light YAGAMI

    en Evil only gives birth to evil. And if those wicked people commit sins and run wild … then the weak will learn to commit crimes, and even try to justify their actions in the end. The evil … the rotten people … must be done away with.

    ja Aku wa aku shika umanai. Iji no warui ningen ga akuji wo okonai yo ni habikoru naraba, yowai ningen wa sore wo narai jibun mo kusatte iki, itsuka wa sore ga tadashii to jibun wo seitouka suru. Aku wa … kusatta mono wa … nakusu shika nai. (悪は悪しか生まない。意地の悪い人間が悪事を行い世にはびこるならば、弱い人間はそれを習い自分も腐っていき、いつかはそれが正しいと自分を正当化する。 悪は …腐った者は … なくすしかない。)

    Manga: Death Note [Chapitre 105] [Volume 12]
  • Light YAGAMI
    Light YAGAMI

    en This world is a rotten mess. It really needs to be cleaned up.

    ja Yo no naka kusatteru. Kusatteru yatsu wa shinda hou ga ii. (世の中腐ってる。腐ってる奴は死んだ方がいい。)

    Manga: Death Note [Chapitre 1] [Volume 1]
  • L

    en There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause troubles without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood … and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others: They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they’ve never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them … because in truth, I am that monster.

  • L

    en I don’t care what you call me, i’m still taking your cake.

  • L

    en No matter how gifted you are … You alone cannot change the world.

  • L

    en If I sit like a normal person my investigative abilities would be half as effective.

  • L

    en It’s not a sense of justice. Figuring out difficult cases is my hobby. If you measured good and evil deeds by current laws, I would be responsible for many crimes. The same way you all like to solve mysteries and riddles, or clear video games more quickly … For me too, it’s simply prolonging something I enjoy doing. That’s why I only take on cases that pique my interest. It’s not justice at all. And if it means being able to clear a case, I don’t play fair, I’m a dishonest, cheating human being who hates losing …

    ja Seigishin de wa arimasen. Nanjiken wo kaiketsu suru no wa shumi desu. Ima no hou de zenaku wo hakaru nara watashi mo takusan no aku wo okashiteiru akunin desu. Minasan ga suirishousetsu no nazotoki ya terebi geemu wo yori hayaku kuria shitai to omou no to onaki de asobi no enchou de ari shumi desu. Dakara watashi wa jibun ga kyoumi wo motta jiken shika te wo dasanai. Seigi dewa arimasen. Soshite kuria suru tame nara shudan wo erabanai makezu kirai de zurui ningen desu. (正義心ではありません。難事件を解決するのは趣味です。今の法で善悪を計るなら私も沢山の悪を犯している悪人です。皆さんが推理小説の謎解きやテレビゲームをより早くクリアしたいと思うのと同じで遊びの延長であり趣味です。だから私は自分が興味を持った事件しか手を出さない。正義ではありません。そしてクリアする為なら手段を選ばない負けず嫌いでずるい人間です。)

  • Ryuk

    en Humans are interesting.

  • Ryuk

    en For me… Apples are like cigarettes and liquor for humans. If I’m deprived I go into withdrawals.

  • Ryuk

    en All humans die the same, the place they go after death isn’t decided upon by a god it is Mu (nothingness).

  • Souichirou YAGAMI
    Souichirou YAGAMI

    en The real evil is the power to kill people. Someone who finds himself with that power is cursed. No matter how you use it, anything obtained by killing people can never bring true happiness.

  • Nate RIVER
    Nate RIVER

    en If you can’t beat the game, if you can’t solve the puzzle, you’re nothing but a loser.

    Manga: Death Note [Chapitre 61] [Volume 7]
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