BL Motel (2018)


Anglais Comments – BL Motel

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Avatar: Buttons#1
Give this one a chance if you can, it starts out not so great but evolves into great art and a good plot.

The art style started out bad (I would even describe the character design as plain ugly) and both MCs and some side characters looked nearly identical. It was a bit creepy and made it difficult at times to differentiate between them. Thankfully the style evolved over the 155 chapters and improved by a landslide! It was generally well drawn with good perspective and it was at some point after chapter 100 that I noticed the change in the style and actually begun liking it. It still needed some improvement, but at times it was really beautiful. Impressive to see the artist improve so much from (in my personal opinion) plain ugly to very nice.

Other than that it's a cute story, funny at times (though it's not a comedy, more a slice of life relationship drama), and a looooot af sex. No over the top drama either, just a lot of anxiety and relationship angst. I would have liked a bit more side characters and different places, most of it takes place in the motel with just the necessary characters. As if everything happens in a bubble. But as with the art it gets better as the story continues, it just takes a while.
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