Heroman (2009)



  • Manga: Heroman
    • Japonais Heroman
      Type: Manga
      Statut: Terminé
      Publié: 12.08.2009 ‑ 12.10.2011
      Tomes / Chapitres: 5 / 27
      Mangaka: Stan LEE Créateur original
    • Anglais Heroman
      Statut: Terminé
      Publié: 30.10.2012 ‑ 23.07.2013
      Tomes / Chapitres: 5 / 27
      Éditeur: Vertical


Un court résumé sur le Manga « Heroman » aiderait de nombreux fans d’anime et de manga à décider s’ils veulent ou non regarder cette série. Sais-tu ce qu’est un « Heroman » ? Alors n’hésite pas à ajouter une description à notre base de données en utilisant notre formulaire d’inscription. Nous attendons avec impatience tes contributions !
Orphaned American teen Joseph Carter Jones, Joey, lives with his grandmother in Central City, Los Angeles. When he is not in class you can generally find the youth working diligently at a diner to help things meet at home. Joey’s a bit scrawny for his age. He’s not athletic or much of a bookworm. Actually he doesn’t fit in anywhere, but he’s got a set of friends and a few hobbies that help him cope when not busy at work.

Upon hearing of a new toy robot called the Heybo, Joey becomes set on believing that acquiring said gadget will turn his life for the better. Like many impressionable teens, Joey thinks material goods can bring him good fortune, and given his life situation he could really use some luck. Unfortunately, he cannot afford to buy the machine on his meager salary.

His luck changes when he picks up a broken down Heybo abandoned by a school bully. Said bully is a member of the football team and was picking on Joey because the runt was hanging out with his friend and lead cheerleader Lina. In Joey’s eyes this used bot could be a source of strength. It could turn him into a hero for Lina and his school...if he could make it work. So he tries to fix the toy, and eventually names it Heroman. Initially his effort seems to go to waste as the bot refuses to function, but when Heroman gets struck by a bolt of lightning, it transforms into a giant robot.... Just in time to save his friend Lina from impending danger.
Joey will ein Held sein, aber er ist ein Waise, der Tag und Nacht arbeitet, um für sich und seine Großmutter sorgen zu können. Nachdem er in einem Werbespot einen Spielzeugroboter gesehen hat, will er ihn unbedingt haben, da er denkt, dass er durch ihn die Kraft bekommen könnte, sich zu verändern. Den einzigen, den er sich leisten kann, ist ein kaputter, den ein reicher Schüler in den Müll geworfen hat. Eines Tages wird dann Rina, eine schöne Cheerleaderin, die immer freundlich zu Joey ist, entführt. Kann Joey mit seinem Roboter zu einem Helden werden und sie befreien?
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  • Brian Carter JONES

    You’re the reason I get up everyday!




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