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  • Haru NONAKA

    en To me, he was like the stars … You can’t touch them, but they’re always there, shining. They’re not as bright as the moon, but … You always know they’re there. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still shining … just that much was enough for me.

    Manga: Sing "Yesterday" for Me [Chapitre 88]
  • Haru NONAKA

    en I want to love someone. To be loved by someone … Even if it’s only that, why is it so difficult … As I’ve always known, that is … Being next to the person I like …

    Manga: Sing "Yesterday" for Me [Chapitre 108]
  • Haru NONAKA

    en I think love is just an illusion, isn’t it? But when you’ve tasted it, you can’t escape before it gives you something in return.

    Manga: Sing "Yesterday" for Me [Chapitre 8]
  • Haru NONAKA

    en I racked my brains over this and that, and yet in the end, the destination I wander towards is the place my soul longs for. No matter where I run away to, I cannot forget it. The place where people are waiting for me. But I know. Rikuo is definitely not waiting. He might be relieved that I’m not there. However, by running away like this, even if it’s bitter, even if it’s lonely, it’s by letting this wound ache until it heals that I’ll be able to move forward.

    Manga: Sing "Yesterday" for Me [Chapitre 109]
  • Haru NONAKA

    en I know what I was scared of … I was scared because I haven’t seen him … And that if I don’t see him, I get more and more anxious … And the more anxious I am, the more negative I become. And now I have a bad feeling about all this.

    Manga: Sing "Yesterday" for Me [Chapitre 58]
  • Haru NONAKA

    en Even shooting stars land at someone’s feet. And what I’m looking at is the light from a star that’s long dead. My star’s gone out. It’s done. It’s over.

    Manga: Sing "Yesterday" for Me [Chapitre 93]
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