Koji KABURAGI / 蕪木 浩二


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  • Kouji KABURAGI

    en There are so many different kinds of weapons! I hope this taught you something. That’s two … and now your eyes are completely shut … it looks like the poison is finally starting to kick in. Those rings and bandages were so conspicuous, you knew they were obviously a bluff, right??? They may call it a strict pat-down, but they’ve only got human eyes … and if you ask me, they’re full of holes. But no matter how strict the checks get, I’ll slip through each and every one of ’em. I’m a hidden weapons specialist. I’m boldly sticking to my path of “perversion.”

    Manga: Kengan Ashura [Chapitre 10]
  • Kouji KABURAGI

    en A young and talented man like you is having your sight stolen and your hearing disrupted by an old man like me … isn’t that delightful!? Whether weapons … the environment … or others … I use everything that I can. And that is the forte of “Medicine Man” Kaburagi Kouji.

    Manga: Kengan Ashura [Chapitre 10]
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