朽木 ルキア


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  • Rukia KUCHIKI

    en What was that?! Don’t think that I don’t know! Ever since you lost to those Arrancars, you haven’t took the form of shinigami even once! What are you afraid of?! Chad got hurt! Inoue got hurt! So what?! Have you always been the man who loses his spirit over little things like that?! Is it scary to lose?! Is it scary not being able to protect your friends?! Or is it … Scary to face the hollow inside you?! If you’re afraid of losing, just get stronger. If you’re afraid not being able to protect your friends, swear you’ll get stronger until you can protect them. If you’re afraid of the hollow inside you, just get stronger until you can crush him. If you don’t want to listen to others, then hold your chin up and yell those words to yourself! THAT’S THE KIND OF MAN YOU HAVE BEEN IN MY HEART, ICHIGO!

  • Rukia KUCHIKI

    en We stand in awe before that which cannot be seen, and we respect with every fiber that which cannot be explained.

  • Rukia KUCHIKI

    en People are able to hold onto hope, since death is that which cannot be seen.

  • Rukia KUCHIKI

    en In a battle, the ones who get in the way are not the ones that lack power, but the ones that lack resolve.

    Manga: Bleach [Chapitre 228]
  • Rukia KUCHIKI

    en If history repeats itself, and moves in a circular path, then believing that whatever force is turning it is perfect, is all we can do as we move ahead. Pushed along by forces beyond our control, waiting, for the blade to be swung.

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