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  • Taiga AISAKA

    en Well, I’d better get back to my seat. The unmarried woman with her unmarried face is about to come to start the unmarried homeroom.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    en The thing you wished for the most, is something you’ll never get.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    en Stop living in the past like an old man.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    en It’s not about being right or being wrong. There are more important things than that. That’s why apologies and forgiveness become necessary.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    en It doesn’t matter if you grew up without parents, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in God. There’s someone out there watching over you.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    en I dreamed that you were a dog. And the dog was my husband. Anyway, it was the worst dream ever.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    en Entire civilizations were built and destroyed between now and the last time you said "we’ll go soon"! I’ll have rotted and turned to ash by the time this "soon" of yours comes!!

  • Taiga AISAKA

    en A dog’s happiness is measured by how useful he is to his master.

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