Trafalgar Law



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  • Trafalgar Law

    en You can’t see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside.

  • Trafalgar Law

    en The weak don’t get to decide anything, not even how they die.

  • Trafalgar Law

    en The Strawhat Pirates are a group of people that can make miracles happen!

  • Trafalgar Law

    en The D will bring up a storm again, for sure!

    Anime: One Piece
  • Trafalgar Law

    en It’s been two years since the War of the Best. Did anyone actually accomplish anything? All you did was stay calm, All Whitebeard did was end the era. The Navy Headquarters rounded up new forces. The big-timers didn’t take any action! It was like everybody was just preparing for something, that was only a beginning. You always said that the new era is coming with an unstoppable swell. The “New Era” of the great ones will come!
    I broke… the gears! Now there’s no turning back!!

    Anime: One Piece
    Manga: One Piece
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