Konata IZUMI



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  • Konata IZUMI

    en You really need to stop sweatin’ the small stuff Kagami!

  • Konata IZUMI

    en What part of the choco-cornet is the ’head’

  • Konata IZUMI

    en Timotei!

    Anime: Lucky Star
  • Konata IZUMI

    en Kay, I’m here now, can I copy your homework now?

  • Konata IZUMI

    en Isn’t it natural to want any item related to a series you like? As a fan. As a collector. […] In my case, I need at least three. One for preservation. I keep it in a special case. Then one to take out occasionally to look at. And the last one as an extra.

    Anime: Lucky Star [Épisode 3]
    Manga: Lucky Star
  • Konata IZUMI

    en I’ve been lamenting my lack of a chest for a while but then this game said “A flat chest is a status symbol! A rarity!“ Word for word. And when you think about it, there is a demand, right? Which means I’m valuable!

    Anime: Lucky Star [Épisode 4]
  • Konata IZUMI

    en I love how they get all polite and stuff when they find out that I’m older than they are. They’re cute when they do that.

  • Konata IZUMI

    en I don’t know, but suddenly I’m thinkin’ that a few of these cookies aren’t as tasty as some of the other cookies are. Is this one of your cookies, Kagami?

  • Konata IZUMI

    en Bleh! Sounds like a lot of work, I think I’ll pass. I rather play, and I’ll ask for help when I get stuck.

  • Konata IZUMI

    en [Moe is] definitely an expression of emotion that you like something… if you can naturally accept the term as it is, you’re an otaku.

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