
Holo / ホロ


Tu trouveras ici toutes sortes de citations de Caractère « Horo ». Si tu connais des citations plus intéressantes, n’hésite pas à les ajouter en utilisant le formulaire de saisie du profil du personnage correspondant.
  • Horo

    en When a person lies, what is important is not the lie itself. No, it is their reason. Their why.

    Anime: Spice and Wolf [Épisode 2]
  • Horo

    en Stop pouting! You learned something valuable. Remember the lesson, not the disappointment.

    Anime: Spice and Wolf [Épisode 7]
  • Horo

    en Pain makes one wise!

    Anime: Spice and Wolf II [Épisode 6]
  • Horo

    en Men are onions. Many layers and all of them make you cry.

    Anime: Spice and Wolf II [Épisode 10]
  • Horo

    en Males burned with jealousy are too sweet to eat!

    Anime: Spice and Wolf [Épisode 6]
  • Horo

    en Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death. They might as well be the same thing.

    Anime: Spice and Wolf [Épisode 4]
  • Horo

    en I know it’s difficult to look past my brilliant tail, brain and looks, but I also have excellent ears and eyes.

    Anime: Spice and Wolf [Épisode 7]
  • Horo

    en I have no fear of watching you grow old while I remain young. I’ll even watch you on your death bed. I am no stranger to death. But your heart is like that of an innocent child. It has always accepted everything about me, without hesitation. Because of that, I am very afraid.

    Anime: Spice and Wolf II [Épisode 11]
  • Horo

    en Even when wolf packs are having a violent war over territory, the forest looks as calm as it always does from a distance.

    Anime: Spice and Wolf II [Épisode 8]
  • Horo

    en All men are jealous idiots. And women are stupid too, to feel happy about it. It’s true, there are idiots everywhere!

    Anime: Spice and Wolf [Épisode 3]
  • Horo

    en A trip is the most fun before one sets out on it. With dogs, the bark and not the bite is more frightening and women are almost always prettier when they are shrouded in mystery. I can never be as pretty as you imagine and I would never do something like that to you. Would it not be better to imagine?

    Anime: Spice and Wolf [Épisode 2]
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