

Tu trouveras ici toutes sortes de citations de Caractère « Erza SCARLET ». Si tu connais des citations plus intéressantes, n’hésite pas à les ajouter en utilisant le formulaire de saisie du profil du personnage correspondant.
  • Erza SCARLET

    en Those painful memories are what help us make it to tomorrow and become stronger.

  • Erza SCARLET

    en It is always sad to part with those whom you love but your companions will help you bear that sadness.

    Anime: Fairy Tail
  • Erza SCARLET

    en If you truly desire greatness, you must first know what makes you weak!

  • Erza SCARLET

    en If you realize you made a mistake with the way you’ve been living your life, you just have to take the next moment and start over.

  • Erza SCARLET

    en I’ve heard you’ve been causing trouble again. Even if Master forgives you, I won’t.

    Anime: Fairy Tail
    Manga: Fairy Tail [Chapitre 10]
  • Erza SCARLET

    en I will fight for my friends than watching them get hurt, I will fight for those I love.

  • Erza SCARLET

    en I refuse to stand by and watch you give up. I won’t lose you, I can’t. We’ll walk away from this battle together!

  • Erza SCARLET

    en Hurt me with the truth. But never comfort me with a lie!

  • Erza SCARLET

    en Feelings can be controlled, but tears never lie.

  • Erza SCARLET

    en But just as flowers don’t get to choose where they bloom, children don’t get to choose their parents!

    Anime: Fairy Tail [Épisode 28]
  • Erza SCARLET

    en All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades. So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don’t care if I’m weaker than everyone in the world.

    Anime: Fairy Tail
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