In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 22 [eBook]

Informations sur le produit

  • In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 22 [eBook]
    • en In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 22 [eBook]
      Type: Romans
      Publié: 14. Mai 2021
      Recommandation d’âge: 12
      Médium: eBook
      Pages: 189
      Author: Fuyuhara, Patora
      EPUB: 9781718310421
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Touya’s honeymoon might be over, but love’s still lingering in the air in Brunhild! Can poor Endymion cope with being part of an alien ménage à quatre? Who else might be looking for a match made in heaven? Having sealed the deal on his own romances, Touya’s free to stick his nose into the love lives of those around him … but at what cost? Meanwhile, a ripple and quake rip through time, revealing images from a far-flung future. Just what―or who―might emerge?

Find out in this riveting tale of swords, sorcery, and progeny!



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