In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 10 [eBook]

Informations sur le produit

  • In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 10 [eBook]
    • en In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 10 [eBook]
      Type: Romans
      Publié: 20. Sep 2018
      Recommandation d’âge: 12
      Médium: eBook
      Pages: 299
      Author: Patora Fuyuhara
      EPUB: 9781718310186
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Spring has sprung in Brunhild, and Mochizuki Touya continues to live his happy-go-lucky life. Flowers bloom, parties come and go, and everything seems just about fine … But wait! The mysterious pink-haired girl, Sakura, is identified by someone. Just what could this mean for her? Who exactly is Farnese Forneus, and what is her connection to the overlord of Xenoahs? But wait, a more pressing issue is the final piece of Babylon, and the remarkably twisted secret it has in store for our heroes … Set a very cautious course for a tale of swords, sorcery, and advanced cryogenics!



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