The Asterisk War - Vol. 06 [eBook]

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  • The Asterisk War - Vol. 06 [eBook]
    • en The Asterisk War - Vol. 06 [eBook]
      Type: Romans
      Publié: 24. Avr 2018
      Recommandation d’âge: 12
      Médium: eBook
      Éditeur: Yen Press, LLC
      Author: Yuu Miyazaki
      Anzahl Seiten: 153
      EPUB: 9780316398688
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Things are heating up in Liesentania!
At long last, the Phoenix is over, and New Year's Eve approaches. For winter vacations, Julis invites Ayato to visit her home in Lieseltania. As the king throws lavish parades and parties in their honor, Ayato comes to understand Julis's concerns for her country. To make matters worse, the king insists that Ayato and Julis marry each other! After the ruckus at their welcome party, another visitor makes her appearance--the Witch of Solitary Venom. She sets her sights on the pair, and Julis seems to know more than she's letting on...



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