The Asterisk War - Vol. 05

Informations sur le produit

  • The Asterisk War - Vol. 05
    • en The Asterisk War - Vol. 05
      Type: Romans
      Publié: 19. Déc 2017
      Recommandation d’âge: 12
      Médium: Livre
      Détails: Grand format
      Éditeur: Yen Press, LLC
      Pages: 192
      Author: Yuu Miyazaki
      EAN: 9780316398657
      ISBN: 0316398659
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The first match of the Phoenix semifinals. Despite being faced with AR-D's learning capabilities and RM-C's Flight Unit, Saya's efforts and Kirin's Renzuru help them fight back. However, the tag from Arlequint have a trump card up their sleeves. On the other hand, Flora's kidnapping has been discovered, the culprit demanding the sealing of the Ser-Veresta. Suspecting Rewolf Intelligence Organization, Grimalkin, to be involved, Ayato heads to the Redevelopment Area and meets a mysteious girl- "Hey, Ayato. It's good to have companions that you can trust"



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