Onegai Twins - Vol. 02

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  • Onegai Twins - Vol. 02
    • en Onegai Twins - Vol. 02
      Type: Romans
      Publié: 4. Avr 2005
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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The highly anticipated follow-up to the Onegai Teacher series continues! Having nearly lost a member of their "family," Maiku, Karen, and Miina return. Karen and Miina are now part of the student body at Maiku's high school, a fact which makes the secret of their living arrangement that much more difficult to keep quiet. Still, things haven't changed much as the trio's strong sense of family and togetherness pervades, in lieu of knowing who is really Maiku's true blood relation. Nonetheless, this major filial question is answered as this heartfelt comedy comes to an end.


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