Chobits: Omnibus Edition - Vol. 02

Informations sur le produit

  • Chobits: Omnibus Edition - Vol. 02
    • en Chobits: Omnibus Edition - Vol. 02
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 19. Oct 2010
      Recommandation d’âge: 16
      Médium: Livre
      Contenu: Omnibus
      Détails: Volume final + 4-en-1
      Length: 13.0 cm
      Width: 5.3 cm
      Height: 18.3 cm
      Weight: 0.6 kg
      Pages: 688
      Languages: English
      Author: CLAMP
      EAN: 9781595825148
      ISBN: 1595825142
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In a world where people rely on computers to escape loneliness, the logical conclusion is the persocom — attractive robot companions that are becoming everyone's boyfriend and girlfriend. Chi is a persocom, but she is also one of the legendary "Chobits", experimental persocoms built to acquire full awareness and emotion. As Hideki and his friends search for the abducted Chi, others are watching them — others who know who built Chi, and why, and what went terribly wrong. It is already known that the affectionate persocom can, in fact, be quite dangerous... but the real danger is what the soul of this new machine means for the future of the human heart. Because it was never the computers who were weak, it was the people who made them, and if Hideki wants to truly save Chi, he needs the courage to truly love her!



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