Kämpfer - Vol. 03 [eBook]

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  • Kämpfer - Vol. 03 [eBook]
    • en Kämpfer - Vol. 03 [eBook]
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 6. Oct 2014
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: eBook
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Natsuru Seno is your standard teenager that goes to an all-boy's school... except when he (through no control or will of his own) transforms into a Kämpfer, a female warrior tasked with taking down those like herself. Now he- or she- must entroll in the all-girl's sister school, but when a newspaper article calls her "The Yuri Girl of Seitetsu Campus," she now is forced with dodging love confessions and idol meet-and-greets alongside the bullets of an unknown Kämpfer looking to taking out the new idol of the school. Can Natsuru survive all this and still get those pictures he promised a friend?



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