Chi's Sweet Home - Vol. 09

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  • Chi's Sweet Home - Vol. 09
    • en Chi's Sweet Home - Vol. 09
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 28. Aoû 2012
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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As Chi Yamada has shown, kittens are a resourceful and strong lot. Through play and exploration they learn to hunt for their food and to define their territory, much like the big cats of the savannah and jungle. Chi's turf now stretches out for blocks. But after a brief sick spell, she is confined to her condo home while her instincts and heart command her to go out to spend time with her stray friends.

So after a sneaky escape from home, Chi makes her way back to the company of her friends, Cocchi and Blackie, but this time she departs with a better understanding of what it means to be a "cat". What exactly does freedom or being a stray mean, though, is something she will have to learn first hand. And there may be a bit of a kitty culture shock in store.



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