Inu × Boku SS - Vol. 07

Informations sur le produit

  • Inu × Boku SS - Vol. 07
    • en Inu × Boku SS - Vol. 07
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 21. Avr 2015
      Recommandation d’âge: 16
      Médium: Livre
      Éditeur: Yen Press, LLC
      Length: 13,0 cm
      Width: 1,6 cm
      Height: 19,4 cm
      Weight: 0,2 kg
      Pages: 192
      Languages: English
      EAN: 9780316322157
      ISBN: 0316322156
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Ririchiyo has decided to make a fresh start, removing the blinders from her eyes and releasing Soushi from his contract. From now on, she has resolved to treat this incarnation of Soushi as his own person and to mourn the loss of the man she loved in a previous life. The change has given Ririchiyo a clear perspective, but Soushi’s heart remains clouded. Playing the part of his former self for Ririchiyo’s sake was an act–what will happen when Soushi’s true feelings come to light…?



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