Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 26: Struggle in the Dark

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  • Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 26: Struggle in the Dark
    • en Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 26: Struggle in the Dark
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 12. Nov 2002
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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One could believe the old adage about the grass being greener on the other side. But, if you're referring to the "other side" of the Sanzu, the river between life and death, chances are it will be white, the color of a samurai's death robes. And a lot of that "grass" was probably dispatched by the hand of Itto Ogami. The Yagyu "grass," spies planted for years in local citizenry, has been on the move, gathering in Edo for a final battle. The ronin Itto Ogami has walked a path of demons with Daigoro at his side, on a quest of vengeance and death that has shaken the very foundations of the samurai caste and the shögunate. No one has been able to stop him, not even the crafty, Abeno Kaii and it looks like he's about see his final day, but he won't go out without a battle of wits!



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