Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 17: The Will of the Fang

Informations sur le produit

  • Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 17: The Will of the Fang
    • en Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 17: The Will of the Fang
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 12. Fév 2002
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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The epic journey of Ogami Itto and Daigoro continues in this stunning volume! A female yakuza and her band are ordered to catch Lone Wolf and Cub, but the authorities aren’t counting on a woman’s heart. Meanwhile, the Yagyu have called in Japan’s most deadly bounty hunters, and offer an even greater reward — can the Lone Wolf trust anyone around him, when the lure of wealth tempts even seemingly harmless peasant folk? And with Daigoro feverish and near death’s door, can Lone Wolf and Cub make it through a winter gale to safety?



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