Fruits Basket - Vol. 23

Informations sur le produit

  • Fruits Basket - Vol. 23
    • en Fruits Basket - Vol. 23
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 6. Juil 2009
      Recommandation d’âge: 12
      Médium: Livre
      Détails: Volume final
      Éditeur: Tokyopop Group
      Length: 12,1 cm
      Width: 1,9 cm
      Height: 19,1 cm
      Weight: 0,1 kg
      Pages: 210
      Languages: English
      Author: Natsuki Takaya
      EAN: 9781427808271
      ISBN: 1427808279
    Disponible dans les magasins en ligne suivants :
    Éventuellement disponible dans les magasins en ligne suivants :
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Kyo finally makes the decision to stop running from his fears and confront his birth father. But how will he react to his father's pressure to accept an unwanted truth? Meanwhile, the curse continues to loosen its hold on the members of the Zodiac, but as Akito's control over the Sohma family slips away, will the last vestiges of her sanity and reason slip away, too? With Kureno injured and Tohru in peril, Akito has come to a crossroads...



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