Attack on Titan - Vol. 03 [eBook]

Informations sur le produit

  • Attack on Titan - Vol. 03 [eBook]
    • en Attack on Titan - Vol. 03 [eBook]
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 1. Sep 2015
      Recommandation d’âge: 16
      Médium: eBook
      Anzahl Seiten: 210
      Sprache: English
      Format: Kindle eBook
      Autor: Isayama, Hajime
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The last thing Eren remembers before blacking out, a Titan had bitten off his arm and leg and was getting ready to eat him alive. Much to his surprise he wakes up without a scratch on him, with a crowd of angry soldiers screaming for his blood. What strange new power has he awakened, and what will happen when the boy devoted to destroying the Titans becomes one himself?

Includes special extras after the story!



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