Maid Sama! - Vol. 01

Informations sur le produit

  • Maid Sama! - Vol. 01
    • en Maid Sama! - Vol. 01
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 7. Avr 2009
      Recommandation d’âge: 12
      Médium: Livre
      Éditeur: Tokyopop Group
      Länge: 12,7 cm
      Breite: 1,3 cm
      Höhe: 19,1 cm
      Anzahl Seiten: 208
      Sprache: English
      Autor: Hiro Fujiwara
      EAN: 9781427814036
      ISBN: 1427814031
    Disponible dans les magasins en ligne suivants :
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Brilliant and overachieving, Misaki Ayuzawa is the President of the Student Council at Seika High School, formerly a boys' school. Unfortunately, most of the students are still male and stuck in their slovenly habits, so man-hating Misaki really socks it to 'em in an attempt to make the school presentable to attract more female students. But what will she do when the sexiest boy in school finds out that after school, Misaki works in a maid cafe.



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