Eden: It's an Endless World! - Vol. 06

Informations sur le produit

  • Eden: It's an Endless World! - Vol. 06
    • en Eden: It's an Endless World! - Vol. 06
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 20. Fév 2007
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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As the survivors of last volume's bloodbath regroup, a pivotal character lies in a coma, and young Elijah is separated from Colonel Kahn's freedom fighters and swept into another complicated whirlwind of trouble. He's caught between two violent groups, beaten and harassed by revenge-hungry policemen and hounded by a sadistic drug lord who may have ties to Elijah's father. In Hiroki Endo's post-pandemic world, humanity is quickly rebuilding its cities and returning to the comforts and conveniences of large urban environments-but reviving destructive, age-old habits as well. While exploring the crippling vices that have plagued humanity throughout history, Endo also serves up a volume of bittersweet reunions, shifting alliances, and surprising new settings.


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