Claymore - Vol. 18

Informations sur le produit

  • Claymore - Vol. 18
    • en Claymore - Vol. 18
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 7. Juin 2011
      Recommandation d’âge: 16
      Médium: Livre
      Éditeur: VIZ Media, LLC
      Length: 12,7 cm
      Width: 1,5 cm
      Height: 19,1 cm
      Weight: 0,2 kg
      Pages: 192
      Author: Yagi, Norihiro
      EAN: 9781421539355
      ISBN: 1421539357
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After finding herself mysteriously drawn to the lair of Riful of the West, Clare made contact with the fused form of Rafaela and Luciela, which Awakened and transformed into the terrible being known as the Destroyer. Now, the entire land of Lautrec is subject to its dreadful, relentless assault. It seems that nothing, and no one, can halt the devastation. But there may be one force that is greater still...



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