Claymore - Vol. 10

Informations sur le produit

  • Claymore - Vol. 10
    • en Claymore - Vol. 10
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 2. Oct 2007
      Recommandation d’âge: 16
      Médium: Livre
      Éditeur: VIZ Media, LLC
      Languages: English
      Length: 12,7 cm
      Width: 1,5 cm
      Height: 19,1 cm
      Weight: 0,2 kg
      Pages: 192
      Author: Yagi, Norihiro
      EAN: 9781421511825
      ISBN: 1421511827
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Clare and a group of Claymores are sent to the north to battle a group of Yoma that have banded together under the command of Isley, a powerful Awakened Being. When the warriors arrive, they find their new enemies to be unusually dangerous. They are incredibly strong, well organized, and seem to have a plan to dominate the entire region. Will the Claymores be able to stop this monstrous army?



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