Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad - Vol. 10

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  • Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad - Vol. 10
    • en Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad - Vol. 10
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 4. Déc 2007
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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The rest of the band is nowhere to be seen, so Koyuki decides to head up on stage at Greatful Sound by himself. With nothing but an acoustic guitar, he starts singing the Beatles' "I've Got a Feeling." Before he even finishes, the band joins him on stage, unable to resist the siren song of music. Saku backs him up on the drums. After a few minutes, Taira adds his funky bass to the mix. Then, Ryusuke approaches the stage bearing the famous guitar Lucille. Finally, Chiba arrives, completing the once invincible group. The band rips into their own material, working the crowd--and themselves--into a frenzy. Could this once-in-a-lifetime performance bring the band back together once and for all?



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