Afro Samurai - Vol. 02

Informations sur le produit

  • Afro Samurai - Vol. 02
    • en Afro Samurai - Vol. 02
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 3. Fév 2009
      Médium: Livre
      Length: 13,9 cm
      Width: 1,1 cm
      Height: 18,8 cm
      Weight: 0,2 kg
      Pages: 176
      Author: Okazaki, Takashi
      EAN: 9780765322395
      ISBN: 0765322390
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Death isn't the end... it's only the beginning.

Brutally wounded by the teddy-bear-headed master swordsman Kuma, Afro awakens in the care of a village of people who each have been stricken by tragedy. Yet, unlike Afro, instead of letting their lives be overpowered by the thirst for revenge, they have embraced the teachings of "the One" and found peace.

Their peaceful lives are soon changed forever, for wherever Afro Samurai treads... violence is never far behind.

Witness the origin of Afro Samurai and his ultimate showdown with No. 1 in this explosive and shocking conclusion!



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