Higurashi When They Cry: Curse Killing Arc - Vol. 02

Informations sur le produit

  • Higurashi When They Cry: Curse Killing Arc - Vol. 02
    • en Higurashi When They Cry: Curse Killing Arc - Vol. 02
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 23. Fév 2010
      Recommandation d’âge: 16
      Médium: Livre
      Détails: Volume final
      Éditeur: Yen Press, LLC
      Anzahl Seiten: 304
      Autor: Ryukishi07
      EAN: 9780759529885
      ISBN: 0759529884
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Keiichi is relieved when Satoko returns to school after an unexplained three-day absence, but the little girl is not her usual cheery self. It seems her uncle has returned, and Satoko is once again at his mercy. Keiichi is furious at his friends’ reluctance to step in and help her, but until there’s definitive proof of her uncle’s abuses, there’s nothing they can do. Unwilling to accept inaction, Keiichi plots to end the abuse once and for all. On the night of the Cotton Drifting, blood will be spilled once more…



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