Das Schloss im Spinnwebwald

Informations sur le produit

  • Das Schloss im Spinnwebwald
    • de Das Schloss im Spinnwebwald
      Type: Films
      Publié: 15. Déc 2009
      Classement par âge: 12
      Médium: DVD
      Contenu: Film
      Éditeur: New KSM
      Sprache: Deutsch, Japanisch
      Untertitel: Deutsch
      Format: Dolby, Untertitelt, PAL, Vollbild
      Direktor: Akira Kurosawa
      EAN: 4260181982298
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Akira Kurosawa's film version of 'Macbeth' transfers the action to medieval Japan, where a samurai warrior (Toshiro Mifune) is urged to murder his lord (Takashi Shimura) and his best friend (Minoru Chiaki) by a forest spirit and an ambitious wife (Isuzu Yamada). Kurosawa renders 'the Scottish play' through the conventions of traditional Japanese Noh theatre, creating what was reputedly T.S. Eliot's favourite film. Features the famous ending, with Toshiro Mifune caught under hails of arrows.

Japan | 1957 | black and white | Japanese language with English subtitles | 104 minutes | Academy ratio 1.33:1 | Region 2 DVD
Quelle/Source: Kurzbeschreibung


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