Kobato. - Vol. 06

Informations sur le produit

  • Kobato. - Vol. 06
    • en Kobato. - Vol. 06
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 26. Juin 2012
      Médium: Livre
      Éditeur: Yen Press, LLC
      EAN: 9780316213899
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Kobato herself has finally awakened to the feelings of love she possesses for Fujimoto. And she's more determined than ever to go to any lengths to heal his heart, even if it means breaking her own. But inside of Kobato, yet another, Iorogi's angel, begins to open her eyes as well. As their worlds collide and the deadline for her wish comes due, will Kobato actually be able to get what she longs for without the magic bottle? And where will that wish ultimately leave her friends from both the human world and the other world?



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