Azumanga Daioh - Vol. 04

Informations sur le produit

  • Azumanga Daioh - Vol. 04
    • en Azumanga Daioh - Vol. 04
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 6. Avr 2004
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
      Length: 14.0 cm
      Width: 1.9 cm
      Height: 20.3 cm
      Weight: 0.2 kg
      Pages: 198
      Languages: English
      Author: Kiyohiko Azuma
      Studio: ADV Manga
      Publisher: ADV Manga
      Label: ADV Manga
      Manufacturer: ADV Manga
      EAN: 9781413900484
      ISBN: 1413900488
    Disponible dans les magasins en ligne suivants :
    Éventuellement disponible dans les magasins en ligne suivants :
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Everyone's favorite gang of high schoolers is back for their final year. This time, the gang takes a trip to sunny Okinawa, where Osaka plays with sea cucumbers and looks for something to eat. Yomi announces her intention to join InterPol, and Sakaki gets a cat that will (gasp!) let her pet it! When the gang gets together for a camping trip, Mr. Kimura makes his big confession to one of the students! Meanwhile, Chiyo-chan seems to be disappearing under a horde of pigeons... It's all the zaniness and tongue-in-cheek comedy you've come to expect from this popular series, culminating in the bittersweet graduation ceremony where everyone goes their separate ways.
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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