Robotics;Notes - Part 1/2: Limited Edition [Blu-ray+DVD] + Artbox

Informations sur le produit

  • Robotics;Notes - Part 1/2: Limited Edition [Blu-ray+DVD] + Artbox
    • us Robotics;Notes - Part 1/2: Limited Edition [Blu-ray+DVD] + Artbox
      Type: Anime
      Publié: 18. Fév 2014
      Médium: DVD + Blu-ray
      Code régional: A + B
      Contenu: Cour / Boîte
      Détails: Édition collector
      Éditeur: FUNimation
      Note: DVD-Region: 1 + 2 + 4 (NTSC), Blu-ray-Region: A + B
      Länge: 1,8 cm
      Breite: 19,1 cm
      Höhe: 13,7 cm
      Gewicht: 0,1 kg
      Sprache: English, Japanese
      Format: Blu-ray
      Edition: Limited Edition
      EAN: 0704400091964
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"Kai and Aki dream of building a giant fighting robot based on a super-popular anime, but that's going to be impossible if they don't get more members into their school's Robot Research Club. They'll take anyone they can talk-or force-into joining them, including an eccentric robotics champion with a secret identity and a l33t video-game designer who's spent one too many late nights online. Finally, their goal looks like it's within reach. But when a sentient AI program tells Kai about mysterious documents hidden on the internet, things start to get strange for everyone. As the club members track down the secret messages, they realize that the information might be far bigger-and more dangerous-than they expected."

Source: Product Description


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