Detroit Metal City - Vol. 03

Informations sur le produit

  • Detroit Metal City - Vol. 03
    • en Detroit Metal City - Vol. 03
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 8. Déc 2009
      Recommandation d’âge: 16
      Médium: Livre
      Détails: Grand format
      Éditeur: VIZ Media, LLC
      Length: 14,6 cm
      Width: 1,5 cm
      Height: 21,0 cm
      Weight: 0,2 kg
      Pages: 192
      Author: Wakasugi, Kiminori
      EAN: 9781421527444
      ISBN: 1421527448
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Prepare to have your mortal soul devoured by the demonic Johann Krauser II, front man for Detroit Metal City, the most outrageously hilarious death metal band on the Japanese indie scene!

Reads R to L (Japanese Style).

Go to DMC!!; Prepare to have your mortal soul devoured by the demonic Johann Krauser II, front man for Detroit Metal City, the most outrageously hilarious death metal band on the Japanese indie scene!

By all appearances, Soichi Negishi is a sweet, well-mannered boy who likes Swedish pop music, trendy boutiques, and all things fashionable. But at the same time he's also Krauser II, front man for Detroit Metal City, an indie death metal band whose popularity increases by the day. Once the DMC makeup goes on and Soichi takes the stage, his natural talent as a death metal god can't help but flourish. Is this the band he's truly destined to be in?

Death metal screams the despair of dying heathens! What the hell kind of song would you sing?! By all appearances, Soichi Negishi is a sweet, well-mannered boy who likes Swedish pop music, trendy boutiques, and all things fashionable. But at the same time he's also Krauser II, front man for Detroit Metal City, an indie death metal band whose popularity increases by the day. Once the DMC makeup goes on and Soichi takes the stage, his natural talent as a death metal god can't help but flourish. Is this the band he's truly destined to be in?
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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