Nodame Cantabile - Vol. 03

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  • Nodame Cantabile - Vol. 03
    • en Nodame Cantabile - Vol. 03
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 25. Oct 2005
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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Student prodigy Shinichi Chiaki just can’t shake Nodame, no matter how hard he tries. Now he is forced to tutor her and Mine all night. So much for music being comforting!

Then Shinichi gets a golden opportunity: the chance to temporarily fill in for Maestro Stresemann as conductor for the S orchestra. But after an unfortunate mishap, the maestro defects to the A orchestra and challenges Shinichi to a public-performance duel. With only weeks to prepare, can members of the inexperienced S orchestra pull themselves together to rival the confidence of the A orchestra? It’s going to take a lot of hard work–and inspiration from a certain free-spirited girl with a crush. The battle Shinichi can’t afford to lose has begun!
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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