Nodame Cantabile - Vol. 02

Informations sur le produit

  • Nodame Cantabile - Vol. 02
    • en Nodame Cantabile - Vol. 02
      Type: Manga
      Publié: 15. Juil 2005
      Recommandation d’âge: 0
      Médium: Livre
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There’s a new kid in town, and Nodame had better be on guard. Her new rival plays timpani like a dream–and has the hots for Nodame’s crush, Shinichi Chiaki. Plus, a wretched old man has his eyes (and hands) on Nodame. It’s a lot to handle, for a girl who has trouble just keeping her room clean. . . .

Shinichi has his own problems. A famous conductor starts a new orchestra at school, and Shinichi finally gets his chance to conduct. But he soon discovers there’s more to the craft than just following notes on a page. Could this hard lesson unexpectedly turn his life around and change his destiny? Take a look into Nodame’s world and find out!
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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