Casshern Sins (2008)

キャシャーン SINS


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  • Casshern

    en What people seek when the depths of despair and death are upon them may be the silhouettes of the ones they love.

  • Casshern

    en If you’ve forgotten death..then you’ve forgotten what it truly means to be alive.

  • Casshern

    en No I won’t kill you, there are still individuals who seek you out in search of life, it is your duty to help them, if survival is what they want then it is better they have it, I cannot deny them that. However if you or ANYONE forgets the face of death….then I will return.

  • Casshern

    en Even though there is life no one here is living it. Life is overflowing from you and these people are merely drinking their fill, but Dio and all the people I’ve met on my journey aren’t like that…they’re..they’re more…they were blazing with fire…they were torches burning with life.

  • Leda

    en If we were all the same, it would be pointless. For one to be beautiful, there must be those who make them stand out. If you’re not coveted and envied, how will you feel the value of beauty? And with value, the one who grants it stands out.

  • Dune

    en I want to live….I want to hold something in my hands and feel its warmth.

  • Dune

    en I am content with just being a flower, blooming and withering away…that’s all I ever needed.

  • Dune

    en A most precious and endearing light, I am happy just to gaze upon her.

  • Akoes

    en So Casshern..even a dumbass human like me knows one thing, that being on the no way to live.

  • Akoes

    en Anyone can make a mistake. If you feel bad about it, will that sin disappear?

  • Akoes

    en I sympathize with you robots who never need to eat or drink, or get to sleep with a woman.

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