Clannad : After Story (2008)

Clannad: After Story / クラナド アフターストーリー



La fin de la scolarité approche pou Tomoya, Nagisa et ses amis. L’After Story est la suite de la première saison de « Clanad » et poursuit la vie des personnages après leur période scolaire. Ils se demande ce qu’ils vont bien pouvoir faire après l’école. Quelle réponse trouveront-ils à cette question dans cette nouvelle étape de la vie ?
The school years of Tomoya, Nagisa and their friends are slowly but surely coming to an end. The “After Story” starts right after the end of the first season of “Clannad” and covers the post-school years of the characters. The characters wonder how things will be now that school has finished. What answers will they find in their new stage of life?
Die Schulzeit von Tomoya, Nagisa und ihren Freunden neigt sich langsam aber sicher dem Ende zu. Die »After Story« setzt kurz nach dem Ende der ersten »Clannad«-Staffel an und verfolgt das weitere Leben der Charaktere auch bis in die nachschulische Zeit. Die Charaktere fragen sich, wie es nun nach der Schule weitergehen soll. Welche Antwort werden sie in ihrem neuen Lebensabschnitt auf diese Frage finden?
Los estudios de Tomoya, Nagisa y sus amigos están llegando lenta pero seguramente a su fin. La «After Story» comienza poco después del final de la primera temporada de «Clannad» y sigue las vidas de los personajes hasta después de su graduación. Todos se preguntan qué deben hacer ahora.
¿Qué respuesta le encontrarán a esta pregunta durante la nueva etapa de su vida?
Per Tomoya, Nagisa e i loro amici si avvicina inesorabilmente la fine del periodo scolastico. L’After Story inizia poco dopo la fine della prima stagione di «Clannad» e continua a seguire personaggi anche fino alla loro vita post-scolastica. I personaggi si chiedono come continuerà la loro vita dopo la scuola.
Quali risposte troveranno in questa nuova fase di vita?
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  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    A girl I don’t know…She isn’t talking to me…She’s probably talking to someone in her heart.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    I hate this town. It’s too filled with memories I’d rather forget. I go to school every day, hang out with my friends, and then go home. There’s no place I’d rather not go ever again. I wonder if anything will ever change? Will that day ever come?

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    If you feel like crying you shouldn’t hold back your tears. You should let it all out while you still can.. because when you get bigger sometimes you can’t cry even if you have something to cry about.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    Nagisa lost consciousness over and over again; waking up and passing out because of the pain. It was cruel to watch. I wanted to cover my eyes and hide. It stretched on and on with no end in sight. I lost track of time. It felt like an eternity. I was so close to passing out myself. After a while, I felt like my heart couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I had run out of hope.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    After work was rough on me. It was even worse when I had a day off. I would throw my money away just to kill time. To stay away from home, I was hiding from reality because it was the only thing holding me together. I hate this town, but even if I moved away, I wouldn’t have anywhere to go; anything to do. I tried to shut everything out; to live without thinking of anything. I wanted to wipe my mind clean. I wanted to forget what happened. Everything I did was wrong. Everything was a mistake. The fact that I met her, the fact that we fell in love, that we got married, the fact that we had a baby…It was all one big mistake I couldn’t take back.




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