D.Gray-man (2006)



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  • Allen WALKER
    Allen WALKER

    en Our injuries will heal as long as we’re alive. But the scars will remain…

  • Allen WALKER
    Allen WALKER

    en No matter what happens, I’ll keep on moving. Until this life runs out of me, I’ll keep on walking.

  • Allen WALKER
    Allen WALKER

    en Even so, I still want to be a destroyer who can save others.

  • Allen WALKER
    Allen WALKER

    en Until the last breath leaves my body, I will not stop walking. That’s my vow to Mana.

  • Lenalee LEE
    Lenalee LEE

    en To me, the world is not only the shape on the map. on the battle field, all i see are the face of the order and my friends…. I am an awful person aren’t i? instead of the real world, all i care is my friends That’s because they are my whole world…… if just one of my friend dies, To me, it’s the same things as a part of the world being destroyed.

  • Lenalee LEE
    Lenalee LEE

    en When you close your eyes and look at the World, what do you see?

  • Lavi

    en I soon came to the point where I didn’t know whether my smiling face was a lie or not.

  • Cross MARIAN
    Cross MARIAN

    en A path is something you create as you walk it. The ground you’ve trodden hardens, and that’s what forms your path. You’re the only one who can create your own path. Walk on your own. If you haven’t given up yet, that is.

  • Cross MARIAN
    Cross MARIAN

    en One shot is for all you did to everyone here… And all the rest are because you messed up my clothing.

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