Moriarty the Patriot Cour 2 (2021)

Yuukoku no Moriarty (2021) / 憂国のモリアーティ (2021)



Un court résumé sur le Anime « Moriarty the Patriot Cour 2 » aiderait de nombreux fans d’anime et de manga à décider s’ils veulent ou non regarder cette série. Sais-tu ce qu’est un « Moriarty the Patriot Cour 2 » ? Alors n’hésite pas à ajouter une description à notre base de données en utilisant notre formulaire d’inscription. Nous attendons avec impatience tes contributions !
Moriarty the Patriot Cour 2”, the second part of the anime, based on the “Sherlock Holmes” books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ties in seamlessly with the first part, which ended with a commission from Queen Victoria herself. The cast of familiar faces such as William James Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes expands to include a large number of new comrades-in-arms on both sides, but also to include common enemies. Among them are Jack Renfield, who joins the circle of the “Lord of Crime”, and Sherlock’s brother Mycroft. With Irene Adler, a particularly mysterious woman appears, who will later play a major role for both Holmes and Moriarty in the further course, and Charles Augustus Milverton is an equal opponent for these two highly intelligent figures in his very own way.

In this part of the story, the waves of crime become even higher, and every new case and person involved can have a major impact on the bigger picture – the Moriartys’ elaborate and long-term plan.
»Moriarty the Patriot Cour 2«, der zweite Teil des Animes, der auf den »Sherlock Holmes«-Büchern von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle basiert, knüpft nahtlos an den ersten an, der mit einem Auftrag von Königin Victoria höchstpersönlich geendet hat. Der Cast um bekannte Gesichter wie William James Moriarty und Sherlock Holmes erweitert sich um eine Vielzahl an neuen Mitstreitern auf beiden Seiten, aber auch um gemeinsame Feinde. Darunter befinden sich unter anderem Jack Renfield, der sich dem Zirkel Lords of Crime anschließt, oder auch Sherlocks Bruder Mycroft. Mit Irene Adler taucht eine besonders geheimnisvolle Frau auf, die im weiteren Verlauf sowohl für Holmes als auch für Moriarty noch eine tragende Rolle spielen wird, und Charles Augustus Milverton ist für diese beiden hochintelligenten Figuren auf seine ganz eigene Weise ein ebenbürtiger Gegner.

In diesem Teil schlagen die Verbrechen noch höhere Wellen, und jeder neue Fall sowie jede handelnde Person können wesentliche Auswirkungen auf das große Ganze – den ausgeklügelten und langfristig ausgelegten Plan der Moriartys – haben.
La seconda parte di quest’anime, basata sui libri di «Sherlock Holmes» Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, si allaccia alla prima parte, finita con una missione assegnata da niente di meno che la regina Vittoria in persona. Il cast attorno a facce conosciute, come William James Moriarty e Sherlock Holmes, si amplia di una serie di compagni d’avventura nuovi da entrambe i lati, ma anche di nuovi nemici. Tra questi troviamo anche Jack Renfield che si unisce al circolo dei «Lords of Crime», oppure il fratello di Sherlock, Mycroft. Con Irene Adler appare una donna particolarmente misteriosa, che in seguito avrà un ruolo importante sia per Holmes che per Moriarty. Charles Augustus Milverton sarà, nel suo modo particolare, un avversario alla pari per i due antagonisti con la super intelligenza.

In questa parte i criminali saranno ancora più audaci e ogni nuovo caso, come ogni personaggio, possono avere un impatto essenziale sul quadro generale – il sofisticato piano a lungo termine dei Moriarty.
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  • William James MORIARTY

    The system is not immediately alterable. However, there is something that we can begin to do right away. We can plunge London down into the depths of Hell, and turn it into a crime-filled city.

  • William James MORIARTY

    If one removes any trace of an incident happening, then it isn’t even recognised as being an incident.

  • William James MORIARTY

    Hell … has been deserted. All of its devils … are right here.

  • Sherlock HOLMES

    When you eliminate every other possibilty, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

  • Charles Augustus MILVERTON

    Basically, a crime is something that violates the laws and morals set by humans. Meaning that the actions of the corrupt nobles are only crimes in the eyes of society. But I’m different. To me, true pleasure is … a descent into sin, which is pure evil.




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