Dix-huit et Vingt ans (2010)

Yeorahop Seumulhana / 열아홉 스물하나

Anglais Reviews – Yeorahop Seumulhana

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This is a heart-warming story, really sweet.
What makes us an adult? Is it just the age? That is one main issue of the manhwa, as well as finding something to care for and seeing things from different point of views. How do you communicate with someone who detests what you value?!

Because of a traffic accident Yun-lee loses the time when she was twenty, she had to stay in a hospital and could not go to school. Now she is twenty-one and spends her whole day in school, except for her lunch break. Everyday, in her break, she spends her lunch money to buy food for the stray cats. One day she meets Dong-hwi, who is nineteen and just graduated from school. He wants to spend the time before his twentieth birthday enjoying to be a child and also feeds the stray cats. He even numbered them all the way through and plays with them.
From that day on Yun-lee ramdomly meets Dong-hwi every day and together they feed the cats. Slowly they build a friendship and encourage each other's passion for the stray cats. But there are a lot of people who want the cats do disappear and together Yun-lee and Dong-hwi decide to do something for their strays.

Neyt to the sweet story, the tender style is awesome. Just perfect for this kind of story. plot, style and atmosphere are a perfect match.
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