Kuroko’s Basket : Saison 3 (2015)

Kuroko no Baske (2015) / 黒子のバスケ (2015)


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  • Tetsuya KUROKO
    Tetsuya KUROKO

    en I am a supporting actor, a shadow. But a shadow will become darker if the light is stronger and it will make the white of the light stand out. As the shadow of the main actor, I will make you, the light, the number one in Japan.

  • Tetsuya KUROKO
    Tetsuya KUROKO


    I may be a shadow … but … the brighter the light, the more intense the shadow. I can make the white of that light stand out. I’ll be the shadow to your light and make you the best in Japan.

    ja Boku wa wakiyaku (kage) da … demo kage wa hikari ga tsuyoi hodo kokunari, hikari no shirosa wo kawadataseru. Shuyaku (hikari) no kage to shite boku mo shuyaku (kimi) wo nihon ichi ni suru. (ボクは脇役(影)だ … でも影は光が強いほど濃くなり、光の白さを際立たせる。主役(光)の影としてボクも主役(キミ)を日本一にする。)

    Manga: Kuroko's basket [Chapitre 1] [Volume 1]
  • Tetsuya KUROKO
    Tetsuya KUROKO


    At the end of the game, no matter how many points you’ve beaten the opponent by … It’s not “winning” if you can’t be happy about it … !

    Manga: Kuroko's basket [Chapitre 32] [Volume 4]
  • Taiga KAGAMI
    Taiga KAGAMI

    en Life is all about challenges, There’s no point in living if there’s no one strong to play, It’s better if I can’t win.

  • Shun IZUKI
    Shun IZUKI

    en There are some things that can only be done by cowards.

  • Ryouta KISE
    Ryouta KISE

    en Once you look up to someone, you can’t overtake them.

  • Teppei KIYOSHI
    Teppei KIYOSHI

    en If you wanna climb a mountain, you obviously aim for the top but you gotta enjoy the scenery too.

  • Shintarou MIDORIMA
    Shintarou MIDORIMA

    en Man proposes, God disposes.

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