Tsubasa Chronicle (2005)



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    en Can’t whistle so i just say the words wheet-whoo.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en Mysterious things are everywhere. So bizarre as often as you can hear of them. Without witness, with sight unseen, without a care it is simply a phenomenon. Merely not of concern. In this world, mankind itself has its own fantastic wonders.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en Living things are restrained by Chains: The laws of nature, the flow of time, the vessel known as your “body”, and the existence called your mind. The one chain that people can wield : “WORDS.”

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en There are many unusual things in this world. Everyday events occur that cannot be explained. Bizarre phenomena that often go unnoticed because people close their eyes to what they don’t understand. But the truth of the matter is, there are many unusual things in this world. And people … People are the most mysterious of them all.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en Instead of regretting what we cannot do, it is better to do what one can. Even for example, what you do has nothing to do with results, you must forge forward.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en Words are beasts. Chains can be used for more than tying down. They can be used to connect, and tie together. Looking forward and speaking positively makes all the difference.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en Sincerity with respect to yourself! No matter what your objective … no matter who you are … if you are going to do something or not do something, that is a promise to yourself. And the one who keeps the promise, or breaks the promise, is you. No one else can be burdened with holding you to a promise that’s made to yourself.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en Family is other people. No matter how close your blood relationship is … no matter what your relationship may be … anyone other than you is not you! And so you have to think it over and decide for yourself! Take away other people’s wants and needs, and decide if this is something that is necessary for you! It may cause hardships to others … but you want it. That’s your free will right there! But you ignore that and decide based on someone else’s advice, because decency demands it, because people say it’s awful, you will fail to quit. No one could succeed that way! You don’t understand what you’re trying to do. With that as your background, how do you expect to make a promise to yourself? But the opposite way … there are risks there, too, of course. If you decide to take the action that best suits you, there will be people who won’t understand … people will be saddened by your actions.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA
    Yuuko ICHIHARA

    en Nothing in this world is a coincidence. Everything is Hitsuzen.

    ja Kono sekai ni wa guuzen nante nai wa. Aru no wa hitsuzen dake. (この世界には偶然なんてないわ。あるのは必然だけ。)

    Manga: xxxHolic [Chapitre 1]
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